Talent Management Weakness in MENA

After several years of experience in the Middle East and North Africa in the field of human resources with national and international companies, I have concluded that the golden rule in the business is:

If you do not put the right employee in the right places in order to use their talents and abilities, you will make the right decisions and ensure the correct results in the context of suitable time and proper environment.

“There can be a lot of idiots and fools in your workplace“

This gives a consensus that the advantage of competitiveness in the Knowledge Economics, which is the distinguished peculiarity of the world nowadays, lies primarily in enhancing the skills of human beings and their capabilities so that to equate the nations, regions, all sectors and organizations.

This is extremely important because it represents an explicit recognition that the development of individuals is essential for the development of business, communities and eventually the nations.

Since we currently live in a knowledge economy where information is power, the growth of sectors of information-based services has led to expansion of the scope of business opportunities larger than the traditional productive sectors and has become a survival of the individuals who have the ability to learn fast, to adapt and to recognize new opportunities.

From this concept emerged the importance of Talent Management. Thus, talent management is the attraction and development of individuals who have talents and innovation required for companies which compete in a changing and complex environment, known as human capital management (talent management).

Among their most important objects and tasks is attracting competent candidates and those who have spirits of competitiveness, management and development of opportunities, talents which are directed to achieve the goals of the organization.

No need to say that the demand side on this growth in industry faced great difficulty in keeping up with the supply side in terms of the availability of talents, and because human talent character is increasingly mobile in a globalized economy, the scope of the problem is taking a trend particularly acute for those talents in developing countries, In addition to lack of talent management, there are other problems facing talent management, namely and the most importantly is maintaining talent, developing and creating the appropriate environment for flourishing and motivating those talented in order to increase their giving and make their ability and talent parallel to the commitment and also to avoid brain drain, particularly in developing countries.

What HR Directors and owners can do to avoid many problems is understand the capability of those talented and put them in the best available places that help to develop their talents and give them chances to develop and progress, as well as to manage probable capabilities of potential members. This will erupt the energies, talents and skills existing and hidden inside them.

Why adopt Talent Management:

A study in 2013 revealed that 83% of all employees aspired to join new jobs in 2014, while only 5% of those surveyed wanted to remain with their current employers. Just imagine what will happen to your small business, which consists of 20 employees, if you find out that 17 employees are planning to leave? Only one of the three others is satisfied with his job, and the remaining two others are waiting for a suitable chance to appear.

Achieving the utmost result through Human Talent Management effectively:

• Hire a team; led by the director of human resources and concerned with the essential and critical functions of human resources, such as workforce planning, detection and employment of the talents, set up of social regulatory, personnel management, performance management, learning and development, financial and moral compensation etc.

• Analyze and take into consideration your business needs for now and the future; decide what type of structure of human resources (hierarchical or functional) fits your business and aligns with its strategies of growth and development.

• Promote human resources to a strategic level through the adoption of talent management effectively, thus ensuring the integration of all basic functions of talent management, enabling the recruitment, management, development and retention and preparation of potential staff for current and future successes.

• Unleash the concealed energies of your employees through: Checking the harmony of their daily efforts with the objectives of your business, their involvement in business and inflaming their enthusiasm and motivation, plus taking care to evaluate the performance of each of them regularly and encourage a culture of quality and efficiency of institutional performance.

• Invest in elaboration of essential reports and data background and draw a roadmap for the analysis of talent-driven business. Hire the most suitable tools that address your requirements to meet the current and future needs.

In the end, the lack of talent is not due to scarcity but to the lack of an appropriate environment for the prosperity and development of the existing talent in the person. Many people enjoy talents they have not recognized, or they have not had the chance to discover those talents. Talent Management should start looking for such talents in the employees and proceed to develop those talents.

Talent Managements needs advisers, leaders and managers of human resources having high expertise and the ability to communicate well so they will discover the energies and talents that exist among employees, and help them to release and revitalize then to exploit them in the best way, which will benefit the individual and the team, and thus implementing the vision of the concerned establishment.



Ayham is an Oxford Certified & Trainer Authorized, Mini MBA Specialist, Reference Certified & Trainer Authorized, Management & Business Administration. Also Certified as a senior Trainer from 7 national & international associations.