MHY Homes Staging helped sell more than AED 70mln of real-estate

MHY Homes Staging Company, founded by visionary entrepreneur Israa Mirjan in 2023, is making waves in the real estate industry by revoluLonizing the way homes are presented to potenLal buyers. Recognizing that people’s decisions, parLcularly when it comes to purchasing a home, are heavily influenced by emoLons, MHY Homes Staging Company specializes in creaLng spaces that resonate deeply with buyers, turning ordinary houses into dream homes.

Israa Mirjan, Founder and CEO of MHY Homes Staging Company, understands the power of emoLonal connecLon in the home-buying process. “Buying a home is not just a transacLon; it’s a deeply personal decision driven by dreams, aspiraLons, and emoLons,” says Mirjan. “Our mission at MHY Homes Staging Company is to tap into those emoLons, creaLng spaces that capLvate buyers and make them envision their ideal lifestyle within the walls of the property.”

In today’s compeLLve real estate market, where buyers are constantly searching for their dream home, the importance of staging cannot be overstated. According to recent studies, staged homes tend to sell faster compared to unstaged properLes. MHY Homes Staging Company aims to provide real estate agents and homeowners with a compeLLve edge by transforming lisLngs into irresisLble showcases that stand out in the market.

“Our goal is to elevate the selling experience for both homeowners and real estate professionals,” added Israa Mirjan. “By transforming properLes into dream homes, we not only accelerate the sales process but also unlock the true value of each property.”

With its innovaLve approach to home staging and unwavering commitment to excellence, MHY Homes is poised to set new standards in the Dubai real estate market. Whether clients are looking to sell their property faster or elevate its market appeal, MHY Homes offers the experLse and creaLvity needed to achieve excepLonal results.