In tough times, people face difficulties. Some call them obstacles, others call them hurdles, and some others call them challenges. The way it is called is not the issue. The question is that what do people need in tough times? What kind of leader do we need to face these challenges? Do people need motivation? Do people need a passionate leader? Do leaders need passionate leaders to rise high and higher? Why do they need them?
I got asked such kinds of questions over and over on a personal and professional level.
Theories of leadership have covered the concept of leadership from different perspectives. Most importantly they categorize characteristics of leaders based on three levels: task-oriented, relationship-oriented, and the mixture of both.
Each of which requires a set of skills, traits, and characters. What is more intriguing above all is the passion for leadership. That’s what no one has addressed yet.
We all had that role model leader in our life. This started in childhood when we have had our parents as our first role models. Some wanted to be like them, and others wanted to be different. That’s fine as you can be the way you want to be. The common thing that you picked earlier in life is passion.
Passion towards saying things, passion towards, doing things, passion towards hobbies, passion towards not doing things, and most importantly as you evolve in life is passion towards leading. Leading yourself towards certain things while avoiding others, leading people at the workplace, and could be leading a family of your own.
All revolves around one common thing is passion. That passion-driven from within and no one can infuse you with things like these. A passionate leader is one who drives others with positivity, mentoring, guidance, support, help, and above all love.
Love is what sets passionate leaders apart from the crowd. In a tough time, what people need is that love and passion that will make them feel safe, secure, and above all shielded by you.
No matter what level, rank, profession, gender, and age you are we all need passion and love. In tough times, people are stressed, overwhelmed, and they have problems of their own more than anyone can ever imagine. This is the time when leaders’ passion is needed more than ever.
Be that role model who will set the example to many to shield your people, employees, family, and loved ones with passionate leadership. You need it, she needs it, he needs it, and we all need it. We all need your passionate leader. Today before tomorrow. Today more than ever.
Ask yourself the following question before you take off: what kind of leader am I today? What kind of leader was I yesterday? What kind of leader do I want to be moving forward? Who will help me reach that level?
The below diagram shows some characteristics of passionate leaders: they are caring for everyone and about everyone, considerate to current circumstances, supportive of goals of their team, and above all positive any day and any time of day.
I am confident you are that leader, not any leader, but the passionate leader needed today.
Lead passionately.

Characteristics of Passionate Leaders