
In today’s fast paced world where everything is done on the go, pre-packaged education that allows students to learn what they need when they want doesn’t sound that unrealistic. In fact, as ICT technologies continue to converge and digital content producers churn out online learning material in abundance, mobile universities may well be the reality […]

Learning Analytics – The Crystal Ball of Learning

We continue to stress on metrics that provide evaluation of learning devised against a set of learning outcomes. We need to rethink with a focus on value as compared to learning as a key target. Experts characterize ‘Learning Analytics’ as the measurement, collection, analysis and reporting of data about learners and their contexts, for purposes […]

Obvious Technologies shares the top 3 trends to expect in 2023

As the technology industry continues to grow its significance and dominance across the globe, an increasing number of companies are inclined to adopt digital transformation. The past year has witnessed massive growth in the landscape of technology in every aspect, and this will undoubtedly continue to flourish. Obvious Technologies, a pioneering scale-up developing a Command […]