Effective Stakeholder Management

One of the key areas of management for any manager, be it functional or project manager, is stakeholder management. The rationale for mentioning only functional and project manager is the fact that all that a business or an organization does could be classified into operations (or business-as-usual) and projects (agents for incorporating change or transformation). […]

Management Consultants and Change Management

Working as a management consultant is not only about applying standards and implementing frameworks, it is mainly about change management. I will tell you why. When a consultant applies standards for whatever the reason was, he/she changes the status quo of this specific organization, hence changing the current situation. That means going through a challenge, […]

Critical Skills for Managers

A key element of business strategy is the recognition that managers frequently represent the most critical component to successful business operations.  In my “Contemporary People Management” MBA course, I frequently emphasize the fact that managers today have much greater responsibilities and expectations than their counterparts of years ago.  Their jobs are no longer limited to […]