A long time ago in America lived a great man who laid the foundation of one of the biggest organizations in U.S history. He was ‘Andrew Carnegie’. He went through difficult times as a young boy, seeing famine and having lived a poor childhood, he was determined to come out victorious. Who would have known […]
Leadership Lessons
After spending over twenty years in the corporate world and the last few years working in a start-up company, there is no doubt in my mind that it is the people who make all the difference in the success of any organization and they need to be nurtured very carefully. The role of a leader […]
Book Review: Leading High Performers, The Ultimate Guide to Being a Fast, Fluid and Flexible Leader by Eric Snow
Eric Snow is a true leader; having played in the NBA for over 14 years, leading and coaching players on the basketball court and learning from some of the best leaders, Eric is an authority on leadership. My first thought when picking up the book was ‘How can I as a businesswoman learn leadership or […]
Leadership Intelligence and Employee Commitment
There is a huge and direct relation between the level of a leader’s intelligence and the level of commitment of his employees. This intelligence, whether logical, verbal, or interpersonal, is critical in making employees want to stay on the job, stay but feel detached and uncommitted, or simply leave the organization. Not ignoring the employee’s […]
Leadership Equals Domination?
I still remember my first job when I started my career in a small company. The boss thought he owned Apple. He was like a Pharaoh giving orders and treating people as if they were slaves. I was new and eager to learn and gain as much experience as I can so I was obedient […]
Leading the Managers and Managing the Leaders
It’s rare to attend a course about leadership and not find a traditional activity along the lines of “what are the differences between a leader and a manager?” Why does this topic repeatedly appear and so what…? While pursuing my MBA, I had two elective modules to go for so I chose leadership and entrepreneurship. […]
Hospitality Should Be About Love, Kindness, and Compassion
It is a shame to see the hotel industry clinging to an obsolete guest experience concept and being led by cookie-cutter-oriented, shareholder-driven hotel groups. Hospitality in these groups is dominated by a clonable, emotionless corporate template whereas it should be about love, kindness, and compassion. People want to feel loved. Trainers, if the corporate executives […]