Best Practice Leadership Training – An Investment in Mediocrity?

Are leaders born or made? This common trait theory of leadership has been debated for decades. Current scholars seem to accept that while some future leaders may be born with relevant leadership traits, this may not be a critical component to guarantee future effective leadership. Arguments are frequently made that through extensive leadership training programs, […]

Taking A Holistic Look At The Motivation Of Leaders And Teams Through The Four Quadrants

Kindness in words creates confidence. Kindness in thinking creates profoundness. Kindness in giving creates love.                                                                                                                         -Lao Tzu A few years ago, I had the chance to coach the CFO of an international organization in India during a project that covered many countries. The main theme we worked on was the relationship with his team […]

Spotlight: Gender Bias/Parity

We are living in amazing times with extraordinary opportunities…and yet women continue to be underrepresented in politics and business across the globe. Unquestionably, there is a lack of women in high-level leadership positions as key decision makers across all industries.  We now know that women are critical to driving inclusive economic growth; that companies that […]

The Wonders of Heart Leadership

Whether you are presently running an organisation or aspire for the same, one check-box you would want to tick in your expectation list is to have a better leader. You may reckon on your leaders to weigh sturdy operations in your absence. To desire a healthy inter-departmental relationship, tackling complex projects with unity and independently […]

Leading with trust!

(The ABCD Trust Model) The COVID-19 Pandemic put employees’ trust in their leaders at stake. Do your subordinates trust you as a leader? Do they follow you because they believe in your vision? Or they just are obliged to do so? High levels of trust allow creativity, productivity, efficiency, and innovation to flourish whilst a […]