It is said that if you want to achieve something in life or business, the best way to learn about it is from the ones who already achieved what you want. And with the technological advancements, you really have the opportunity to learn from anybody you want, even those who are located on the other […]
The Reflective Habit
You often don’t know what you don’t know. The secret is to create opportunities for you to learn from books, videos and other people. It is often during conversations that you experience light bulb moments. It is such a joy not only to feel the realisation in yourself but also to witness it on the […]
2 Basic Priorities Entrepreneurs Are Neglecting
Entrepreneurship is a rollercoaster of emotions on daily basis. You can have very high highs and very low lows all in a matter of hours. There are various challenges that one faces when starting a business but managing these emotions is probably the hardest part. It requires one to manage his or her mindset, which […]
Make 2022 THE Year of Leading With Intentions
As we start to welcome the New Year 2022, let us give ourselves a much deserved ‘creative break’ and reconnect with the true purpose of your life and your IKIGAI and lead with holistic intentions. The year 2021 tested the nerves and commitment of all entrepreneurs globally and we saw a huge number of entrepreneurial […]
Female Business Leader Interview: Sepideh Nasiri
Tell us about your background and what it is you do? I’m the CEO and Founder of Women of Middle East and North Africa (MENA) in Technology, a serial entrepreneur with over 20 years of experience in the Tech Industry, and a life-time advocate for women, diversity, and inclusion. I’m responsible for the strategy and […]
Entrepreneur Spotlight: Dariush Soudi
Tell us about your background. I am a dedicated, passion-driven businessman who believes in supporting young entrepreneurs in materializing their dreams of a success and a purposeful life. I spent my childhood facing different challenges in Iran and England that taught me to be more resilient and strategic. I remember, not very long ago, I […]
The Art Of Setting Boundaries
Let us start with a Healthy Boundary Test! Just take a moment and see all the statements you resonate with. • I am thinking of what others want from me before deciding to do what I want • I am overstretched and over busy • I am consistently putting my plans on hold because of […]
The 7 Growth Hacks for Entrepreneurs
In the Business or High-Ticket Coaching ecosystem, it’s not necessarily all about what decisions and practices went wrong—it’s also about what course of actions are not being done right. Notably, growth hacks consist of constant study and experimentation in the pursuit of your business objectives using the appropriate growth hacking ideas. Realistically speaking, “growth hacking” […]
Find Your Superpower!
Being in your superpower is about being absolutely aligned with who you are, your vision, who you are, what you believe in, and your WHY – Why you are doing what you are doing and the vision of your business. Your superpower is as unique and distinctive as your thumbprint. In business, your superpower translates […]
Empathy Across All Borders
Building a global business requires global customers. This is an elementary concept and simply stated. Communication and connection to customers across borders is something that is best fitted for those that understand the importance of empathy in actions. Those in other countries may think differently in many of the ideas and concepts you find normal. […]