Having worked in the Middle East for a short while now, I am very aware that in a number of the GCC countries there are nationality “quotas” to be met by organizations in order for them to continue to operate in said countries. Terms (or initiatives) such as Saudisation, Emiratisation or Omanisation are commonplace when […]
Using Neuroscience to Improve Business Performance
There is currently a real buzz around the world of neuroscience. This is not surprising as the latest developments have important implications not just for business, but also for wider society. The actual physical architecture of our brains – the way our billions of brain cells are wired together – is a result of our […]
Developing Your Core Soft Skills
The world of social business is as competitive as any other field, with newcomers and competitors entering previously unexplored markets at an unprecedented rate. Businesses have realized that in order to become global leaders they need to focus on underserved geographies and demographics, as well as increase their transparency and focus on the triple bottom […]
Is being “the best” really enough to succeed?
“We are the best at what we do!”, words I often hear leaders say when marketing their brand – being it an organization, product or service, however does their confidence align with reality? Better yet, how do they define success and are they able to show results to prove it? In this day and age, […]
Four Coaching Tips for your Success and Happiness
You are here. You have a successful business that is built by your vision, hard work and commitment. A woman in business has a long journey behind here, where she has defied norms, faced opposition and started with her conviction as her biggest resource. The lack of visibility for women in leadership roles and success […]
The Future of Entrepreneurship
Today, employment opportunities are becoming scarce while the rise in independent professionals has been constant around the globe. Freelancers could represent 80% of the global workforce by 2030. (Source: Peerism). With the increase in the Gig Economy, most professionals are literally self- employed. With non-stop technological advances, entrepreneurship is undeniably becoming the route of choice for anyone […]
3 Crucial Lessons from an Entrepreneur’s Journey
Nowadays, becoming an entrepreneur is glamourized and sold as “the dream life” on social media platforms. Everyone wants to do it. The truth that most people won’t admit is that being an entrepreneur is a journey with many ups, downs, and unknowns. The path is a unique one for each individual. Your confidence will be […]
Common Entrepreneurship Myths
The definition of entrepreneurship is often misunderstood. It is no wonder there are viral misconceptions of the popular concept of entrepreneurship both in theory and practice. I am almost certain, that a Google search for the definitions of entrepreneurship will always be 50% correct of what it truly represents. Some authors even refer to entrepreneurship […]
Wasted Words; Wasted Time
How often do you sit with someone and you hear them talking but you’re not really listening. Not only words are wasted, but so is time. Why? Answer: It’s most likely because of lack of personalization and customization! The trend for creating a competitive advantage and a differentiation strategy in the market has been lately […]
Knowing The WHY Behind WHAT We Do
It’s the values, whether personal, professional or collective which is the answer to this question. People’s values define, to an extent, who they are, and how they relate to the world around them and the people in it and why they do what they do. Values lead them to make the distinction between good and […]