Developing Your Core Soft Skills

The world of social business is as competitive as any other field, with newcomers and competitors entering previously unexplored markets at an unprecedented rate. Businesses have realized that in order to become global leaders they need to focus on underserved geographies and demographics, as well as increase their transparency and focus on the triple bottom […]

The Future of Entrepreneurship

Today, employment opportunities are becoming scarce while the rise in independent professionals has been constant around the globe. Freelancers could represent 80% of the global workforce by 2030. (Source: Peerism). With the increase in the Gig Economy, most professionals are literally self- employed. With non-stop technological advances, entrepreneurship is undeniably becoming the route of choice for anyone […]

Common Entrepreneurship Myths

The definition of entrepreneurship is often misunderstood. It is no wonder there are viral misconceptions of the popular concept of entrepreneurship both in theory and practice. I am almost certain, that a Google search for the definitions of entrepreneurship will always be 50% correct of what it truly represents. Some authors even refer to entrepreneurship […]