Many years ago, I was sitting at my desk when I received a strange email from my supervisor, it was merely one question! He said, “Did we meet ROI?” My instant reply then was “What do you mean? We haven’t met any ROI so far…” I will leave it to your imagination to find out […]
Outdoor Team Building
After an exhilarating outdoor teambuilding training, there’s nothing more gratifying than overly delighted delegates, satisfied clients and a pleased training provider. But there’s more to outdoor teambuilding training than fun and fulfillment. Without careful design and delivery of outdoor teambuilding, its benefits may be wasted and its detriments may surface. To prevent that, we need […]
Team Building Does Not Work!
If the requests that I receive for ‘’Team Building’’ are anything to go by, team building is definitely the buzz word of the era for L&D. My first question is always: ‘’What are the issues/Challenges? What are you hoping to achieve? ‘’Answers vary, but mostly the answer alludes to ‘’the team are not getting on/are […]
Has The UAE Got The Issue Of Talent Under Control?
In many global companies, particularly those based in developed markets, it’s found that half of senior leaders will be concluding their careers within the next few years, and half of them don’t have a successor ready or capable to take over. As Boris Groysberg (a professor of business administration in the Organizational Behaviour unit at […]
Developing Effective Teams
Food for thought … • 81% of the Fortune 500 companies are building at least partially team-based organizations • More than half of the Fortune 500 companies use some formal work teams as part of their operations So, what is a ‘Team’? A Team is not just a group of people for administrative convenience. A […]
Why ROI? Is It Really The Best Measure Of Training Success?
You usually measure a return on investment (ROI) in dollars or Dirhams, not how many times you walked to the bank. Why, then, do people still insist on counting how many people turned up for a workshop (the traditional ‘bums on seats’ number) and then offering that number as a measure of the value added […]
Managing Team Performance
Any successful organization relies on the performance of its employees. During the team building process, the evidence of its effectiveness will be measured in the performance phase. Therefore a leader must be conscious of what constitutes an effective team and how to maintain this. Key to any task, whether individual or collective, is the clear […]
Evaluating Your Team: Designing Reaction Level Surveys
Nearly sixty years ago, Donald Kirkpatrick developed the now ubiquitous four-level training evaluation model. The four levels were: reaction, learning, behavior, and results. Each level increased in complexity from a measurement standpoint, while providing even richer information about the value and impact of training programs. Other theorists have since suggested adding a fifth level, such […]
Getting an ROI with Training
Think about the last time you ventured out to buy yourself an electronic device, home appliance or vehicle … what were the key things you factored into your decision making process? •Purpose •Cost comparison •Features •And lastly, warranty or durability In short, you would eventually seek out the option with the best quality and hope […]
Effective Teams In The Real World
In a world that judges based mainly upon individual performance, most of today’s performance measurement tools are catered toward individuals not teams. But in the real world – in the working world- the world in which we live, things generally get done (or don’t) by teams. American businessman Sam Walton, who founded Walmart and Sam’s […]