Enrique Acosta Gonzalez

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Enrique is the CEO of Triad Leadership Solutions LLC, and served 26 years in the United States Navy. Enrique was named on the power list of the Top 200 (#76) thought leaders to follow by PeopleHum, a nominee of the top 30 Global Guru’s list by Global Gurus, Top 200 Biggest Voices in Leadership by LeadersHum, Top 10 Inspiring Leaders of 2023, 2024 Global 100 Executive Coach of the Year, and 2024 Best CEO Mentorship & Leadership Development Firm for his work in the leadership development arena. He is a best-selling author of five books and an award-winning podcaster. He is a sought-after John Maxwell certified coach, trainer and speaker and is an avid mentor in three national and international organizations. His impactful delivery of leadership truths leaves the listener with renewed hope and energized to regain their position in leadership and make an impact in their sphere of influence.