In a business landscape that is growing more volatile and more virtual, it is becoming crucial to transform businesses, the people behind it and its assets. It’s necessary to revive the human element in any business model. Humanizing Business, from Z to A is essential in a changing world like ours.
Businesswomen, Hanane Benkhallouk (HB) and Zeina Akkawi (AZ) are set to take on a new approach to shifting the narrative from B2B, B2C or B2G to H2H. From strategy to PR, this collaboration will offer compelling solutions that help business leader assess and reinvent their business models and communication strategies, to achieve its outcomes while aligning with the systemic shift that the business world is witnessing.
“Businesses and brands, just like humans, have values. Today, consumers, employees and decision makers want brands that align with their values, products and services are de-commoditized, it is all about designing and selling experiences. To achieve this transformation, it must start from leadership, that can not only communicate the vision, but role model it, that moves from control to empowerment and is ready to flatten the structure and build a value driven culture, not a process driven structure” said Hanane Benkhallouk, a transformation strategist, Founder of Tawazoun and Sustain Leadership. Author of Amazon bestselling SEEDS of change.
Humanizing PR is another game changer! It’s important to understand how to communicate any company assets (from brands to structures) in a more personable, more relatable manner, that tells authentic stories rather than business jargon.
“With conscious consumers and a transformed marketing industry, the way the public perceives PR – be it from Publishing Houses or Companies – has completely changed. With the takeover of social media that have created a new kind of celebrities, known as “influencers”, it is our responsibility to reassess how to design authentically Humanized PR campaigns that align with the brand’s mission and carries the voice of customer in an outside approach. This varies from portraying and branding leader’s to training and managing expectations” added Zeina Akkawi, a seasoned Marketing and Communication professional with over 22 years of experience, works with regional and international Governments; Founder or PAZ Marketing Management.
The two entrepreneur women have been recently part of a campaign (everywoman diamond) by a regional fine jewelry brand, that chose to make an entry to the UAE market, showcasing the shine of their diamonds and gems through the sparkle emanating from successful progressive “real” women in the UAE.